Source code for ccsdspy.packet_fields

"""High level object-oriented API for elements that can exist in a packet.

See also:
- packet_types.FixedLength
- packet_types.VariableLength

__author__ = "Daniel da Silva <>"

import string

import numpy as np

from .converters import Converter

[docs] class PacketField: """A field contained in a packet.""" def __init__(self, name, data_type, bit_length, bit_offset=None, byte_order="big"): """ Parameters ---------- name : str String identifier for the field. The name specified how you may call upon this data later. data_type : {'uint', 'int', 'float', 'str', 'fill'} Data type of the field. bit_length : int Number of bits contained in the field. bit_offset : int, optional Bit offset into packet, including the primary header which is 48 bits long. If this is not specified, than the bit offset will the be calculated automatically from its position inside the packet definition. byte_order : {'big', 'little'}, or custom string of digits like "4321" Byte order of the field. Can be "big", "little", or an arbitrary ordering Specified as a string of digits like "2341". Defaults to big endian. Raises ------ TypeError If one of the arguments is not of the correct type. ValueError data_type or byte_order is invalid """ if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError("name parameter must be a str") if not isinstance(data_type, str): raise TypeError("data_type parameter must be a str") if not isinstance(bit_length, (int, np.integer)): raise TypeError("bit_length parameter must be an int") if not (bit_offset is None or isinstance(bit_offset, (int, np.integer))): raise TypeError("bit_offset parameter must be an int") valid_data_types = ("uint", "int", "float", "str", "fill") if data_type not in valid_data_types: raise ValueError(f"data_type must be one of {valid_data_types}") valid_default_byte_orders = ("big", "little") valid_custom_byte_order = all(char in string.digits for char in byte_order) if byte_order in valid_default_byte_orders: byte_order_parse = byte_order byte_order_post = None elif valid_custom_byte_order: byte_order_parse = "big" byte_order_post = byte_order else: raise ValueError( f"byte_order must be one of {valid_default_byte_orders} or " "a string like '1234' or '3412'." ) self._name = name self._data_type = data_type self._bit_length = bit_length self._bit_offset = bit_offset self._byte_order = byte_order self._byte_order_parse = byte_order_parse self._byte_order_post = byte_order_post self._field_type = "element" self._array_shape = None self._array_order = None def __repr__(self): values = {k: repr(v) for (k, v) in self.__dict__.items()} values["cls_name"] = self.__class__.__name__ if values["cls_name"] == "PacketArray": return ( "{cls_name}(name={_name}, data_type={_data_type}, " "bit_length={_bit_length}, bit_offset={_bit_offset}, " "byte_order={_byte_order}, array_shape={_array_shape}, " "array_order={_array_order})".format(**values) ) else: return ( "{cls_name}(name={_name}, data_type={_data_type}, " "bit_length={_bit_length}, bit_offset={_bit_offset}, " "byte_order={_byte_order})".format(**values) ) def __iter__(self): return iter( [ ("name", self._name), ("dataType", self._data_type), ("bitLength", self._bit_length), ("bitOffset", self._bit_offset), ("byteOrder", self._byte_order), ] )
[docs] class PacketArray(PacketField): """An array contained in a packet, similar to :py:class:`~ccsdspy.PacketField` but with multiple elements of the same size (e.g. image). """ def __init__(self, *args, array_shape=None, array_order="C", **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- name : str String identifier for the field. The name specified how you may call upon this data later. data_type : {'uint', 'int', 'float', 'str', 'fill'} Data type of the field. bit_length : int Number of bits contained in the field. array_shape : int, tuple of ints, str, 'expand' Shape of the array as a tuple. For a 1-dimensional array, a single integer can be supplied. To use another field's value, pass the name of that field. To grow to fill the packet, use "expand". For details on variable length fields, see the :py:class:`~ccsdspy.VariableLength` class. array_order {'C', 'F'} Row-major (C-style) or column-major (Fortran-style) order. bit_offset : int, optional Bit offset into packet, including the primary header which is 48 bits long. If this is not specified, than the bit offset will the be calculated automatically from its position inside the packet definition. byte_order : {'big', 'little'}, optional Byte order of the field. Defaults to big endian. Raises ------ TypeError If one of the arguments is not of the correct type. ValueError array_shape, array_order, data_type, or byte_order is invalid """ if isinstance(array_shape, str): if "data_type" not in kwargs: kwargs["data_type"] = "uint" elif kwargs["data_type"] != "uint": raise ValueError("Expanding arrays must be data_type='uint'") else: if isinstance(array_shape, int): array_shape = (array_shape,) if not isinstance(array_shape, tuple): raise TypeError("array_shape parameter must be a tuple of ints") if not all(isinstance(dim, int) for dim in array_shape): raise TypeError("array_shape parameter must be a tuple of ints") if not all(dim >= 0 for dim in array_shape): raise TypeError("array_shape parameter dimensions must be >= 0") if sum(array_shape) == 0: raise TypeError("array must have at least one element") if not isinstance(array_order, str): raise TypeError("array_order parameter must be string") if array_order not in {"C", "F"}: raise TypeError("array_order parameter must be either 'C' or 'F'") super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._field_type = "array" self._array_shape = array_shape self._array_order = array_order